Raven Holds the Seed of the World by Paul Hood
New image created today-- after a long and rather disappointing trip to Saint John's, Arizona. I discovered that there isn't a whole heck of a lot that I want to take pictures of there, at least not at first sight. So, we drove home and I notice that the ravens were out playing in a tree just off the front porch. Got the long lens on and started shooting. Only managed to get a few shots. A lot of the ravens around here don't really trust people. They probably get into trouble raiding gardens and such. in our case, we feed them, along with a lot of other birds but they still don't usually like for us to get too close. In this case I noticed the seed, probably a juniper berry, in the beak of this guy after I downloaded the images to the computer. Made me think of the title and I'm not sure whether it actually has any real existence in folklore. I'll have to start looking up Raven myths.
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