A spiritual counselor and healer, photographer, writer, musician-- living the enlightened life.
Saturday, May 30, 2009
It's all a myth

Summer Rain
Friday, May 29, 2009
JPEG 1742 from holbrook, at the concrete wigwam
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Cutest little mouse you ever did see.
Ok, so a Disney mouse is actually cuter, but this is the cutest real mouse I ever did see. We went out on the back porch to to take my mom's picture and for some reason I looked into a trash bin we had out there. Poor little guy had gotten himself in and couldn't get out. We had seen him a few days before, running wild and free, and commented on his gigantic ears and little triangular head. I wanted to get his picture, got my wish a few days later.
I don't know how long he'd been in there but it's a good thing we saw him when we did because he'd have died from dehydration otherwise. Hard to imagine how he must have felt, sitting down there at the bottom of the barrel, nothing to do but wait. I wonder what it takes to activate the mousy version of faith? . . . Faith in something larger than oneself.
At this point he's looking up at me pointing my camera down at him, and I guess he does not know what's going to happen. He didn't move, make a sound, nor try to hide. My mom took him out to the yard and let him go. Wow, what a reprieve. Back to the life he loves.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Monday, May 25, 2009
The Grand Old Flag, Memorial Day in Concho, Arizona
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Front porch tempest
Friday, May 22, 2009
Not planning to be a twit anytime soon.

This guy said it better than I think I could. Why? Grayson Davis is at least in the right age group to understand things that I don't. I don't understand how the cell phone became the constant companion of everybody born around the time I started college (or later). I actually find that to be very sad. It's a phone. A telephone. And even if your best friend is on the other end of it, you're still missing out on whatever is actually in front of your eyes, ears and other senses right now, or for that matter, what ISN'T constantly stimulating your senses. Maybe you'd like things to be a little quiet once in a while. You and the person on the other end of the phone aren't really talking, you're actually broadcasting this message on an ongoing basis "wherever we are right now, and whatever we're doing, does not merit our full attention."
I understand texting even less, and twittering is just an extension of that. "Monkey mind" is the enemy of meditation. Actually, it's the enemy of a lot of things. Now, supposedly if you give enough monkeys keyboards, and somehow entice them to type constantly, there is a mathematical equation by which a given number of monkeys over a finite time period will result in a Shakespearean sonnet being produced by a monkey. You need a lot of time, and a lot of monkeys. We're still waiting for the proof to come in. Oddly, you could probably fit a sonnet within 140 characters-- that's a "tweet", if you worked at it. But the monkeys would need way more time, and if they forgot to hit "send" they'd have to start all over again. Which reminds me; a lot of people in my age group want a cell phone to be just a phone, not a Dick Tracy wristwatch (look it up) and we want it to be so simple that a monkey could operate it with very little practice.
While Sheryl and I do occasionally blog about our cat, we aren't constantly updating you on her status every fifteen minutes. I do understand however, that on twitter there is a house-cat with half a million followers. I didn't know she could type. Must have learned it from a monkey. Apparently she says the normal things that a human being anthropomorphizing an animal thinks she would say, like, "I slept, then I ate, then I slept some more." I heard about this on NPR, a radio network which employs many top experts to broadcast things which they think we will find interesting. Often we do.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Three photos that didn't make it to The White Chair

I've got these printed, and haven't figured out where to place them yet. There are a lot of galleries up in Show Low.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Monday, May 18, 2009
Yay ! We're going to Taylor tommorrow.
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Friday, May 15, 2009
A day in Pinetop
Thursday, May 14, 2009

Monday, May 11, 2009
We made it an interesting day

For the CSI fans, a close-up of a reflection

Sunday, May 10, 2009
The mother's day gift: make it yourself

Saturday, May 9, 2009
Friday, May 8, 2009
Photos at The White Chair in Snowflake, Arizona
Some of the art photos above may be available at The White Chair very soon, in Snowflake, Arizona.
The White Chair
432 S Main St
Snowflake, AZ 85937
(928) 536-9666
Here is what Sheryl said about the place a while back:
"I'm happy to announce that my Mama Love flower essence aromatherapy healing perfumes are now available at The White Chair, 432 S. Main Street in Snowflake, AZ, near the White Mountains. The White Chair specializes in antiques and handcrafted creations with an antique or country feel. It's a really great shop, jam-packed with all kinds of wonderful stuff. I'm especially pleased to have my work there because the owner, Moli White, really loves aromatherapy, natural healing and the earth. She's also quite an artist and creative person herself and is a big supporter of women and their work. Her daughter just opened up a coffee shop in the space next to The White Chair. Come by and visit the next time you're in town! "
I'm not sure which ones the owner, Moli, will choose to display but we'll know within a day or two. They're all professionally printed and mounted to foam core, ready to hang, hooks included. The prices should be pretty reasonable. I'm glad to put them on display again. Two thirds of this collection are floral, then there are some birds, three scenes from a marine environment . . . I'm not sure what there's room for at The White Chair, because there are already a ton of antiques, Shabby Chic a fair amount of original paintings and some drop-dead-gorgeous hand made jewelry, so some of these photographs may get displayed at Snowflake Coffee which adjoins the establishment. We had a really good smoothie and an iced coffee there a couple days ago. Always like a breath of fresh air to go in and visit there.
Mama Love at Mama Bear restuarant in Pinetop
Some people are comfortable anywhere. Some aren't. Most folks around here are going "yay! it's getting warmer!" We were just fine with temperatures below 80 degrees. 90 degrees seems excessive. We hear it's going to get hotter. Actually it's not that bad yet, because the humidity is only 19%. Anyway we went up to Show Low Pinetop Lakeside today, three little towns which pretty much run together. Ate at a really nice diner called Mama Bear, which seemed fitting for Mama Love (Sheryl). Good food. We also like Darby's up there, and Mountain Thai. And it's a little cooler at that altitude.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Saying hello to the neighbors

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